Case Studies

Our work speaks for itself

At Avrij, we take pride in showcasing the diverse range of projects we have completed across various industries, demonstrating our ability to solve complex challenges and deliver exceptional results. Our case studies provide a deep dive into some of our most impactful projects, highlighting the innovative AI solutions we've provided and the transformative results achieved.

Our ApplicationsCase Studies Highlighting the power of AI in Sports
Case Study 1

Optimizing Draft Decisions in Pro Sports


A professional sports franchise was seeking to enhance their draft strategy by gaining more comprehensive insights about each prospect's mindset.


We created Avrij, an AI system that analyzes language patterns to identify key indicators of a prospect's mindset, including confidence, motivation, and decision-making ability. This tool aids teams in understanding a prospect's potential, leading to more informed draft decisions.


The franchise reported a significant improvement in their draft decisions, attributing their success to the insights gleaned from Avrij. The tool has since been adopted by several other sports teams seeking to revolutionize their draft strategy.

Optimizing Draft Decisions in Pro Sports
Case Study 2

Streamlining Talent Acquisition in College Sports


A prestigious college sports team was struggling to discover and connect with promising talent due to the time-consuming nature of traditional scouting processes.


We developed, a digital platform that allows teams to create tailored interview questions and add team branding to each interview. This solution not only streamlines the scouting process but also enables teams to get to know their prospects better before scheduling in-person interviews.


The college sports team reported a significant increase in the range of prospects they could engage with, as well as an enhanced understanding of each prospect's skills, character, and fit for their team. It is now a vital tool for many college and professional sports teams.

Streamlining Talent Acquisition in College Sports
Case Study 3

Enhancing Scouting Efficiency with Mobile Technology


A professional scouting organization was facing difficulties in managing manual note-taking and time-consuming evaluations during their scouting process.


To address this challenge, we introduced a mobile application that allows scouts to record audio messages after each scouting encounter. With advanced sentiment analytics, the app generates comprehensive Scout Reports, making scouting easier and more efficient.


The organization reported significant time savings and increased efficiency in their scouting process, crediting Avrij with transforming their talent evaluation approach. The app is now a go-to solution for numerous professional scouts and college recruiters.

Enhancing Scouting Efficiency with Mobile Technology